五、脚注中的外文参考文献要用外文原文,作者、书名、杂志名字体一致采用Times New Roman,书名、杂志名等用斜体,其余采用正体。
六、请将来稿电子本发至本刊编辑部邮箱ddbjwx@163. com。纸质本并非必要,如需寄送,地址如下:北京市海淀区学院路15号北京语言大学文学院比较文学研究所《当代比较文学》编辑部;邮编100083。
Call for Papers
Contemporary Comparative Literature (hereafter referred to as Journal), sponsored by Beijing Language and Culture University, is an academic journal published semi-annually focusing on contemporary studies of Comparative Literature and World Literature. It also covers related heated topics and frontier discussions of humanities and social sciences. The Journal welcomes submissions based on the following guidelines:
1. The Journal welcomes submissions of academic articles and translations and requests that the work is original and has not been previously published elsewhere(including online).
2. Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, do not currently satisfy our authorship criteria. Use of an LLM should be properly documented in the manuscript. If there is any concealment of using it, the manuscript will be rejected or withdrawn directly.
3. Research article should be limited to 12000-15000 words in length, but we also welcome longer ones with high quality. Research article should include abstracts of 200-300 words and keywords of no more than 5 words in both Chinese and English. Chinese and English title, author’s occupation, position and contact information should also be included at the end of the article.
4. Papers written in English should follow the MLA format.
5. Please submit the article in electronic form to ddbjwx@163. com. The electronic file should be either in Microsoft Word or PDF format. The hard-copy version is not a necessity.
6. All articles are subject to anonymous peer review which will last 3 months.
7. Inquiries are to be directed to ddbjwx@163. com or to this address:
Editor of Contemporary Comparative Literature
Institute of Comparative Literature
Beijing Language and Culture University
15 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District
Beijing 100083, P. R. China.